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We Deliver!

Delivering is one of our favorite parts of the process. We get to personally and safely transport the furniture that you carefully picked out. Below are some common questions you may have about the delivery process.

If additional questions arise, or are unable to be present during your scheduled delivery time, please contact us at 816-456-2124.

Delivery Questions:

Our delivery fee starts at $30 plus, we currently only offer local deliveries. For more information, please call us at 816-456-2124 our staff member should be able to assist you for further questions.

Our delivery options start from the day you pay for the furniture. Our delivery hours are from 5:30-8:00pm. You will need to set up a time and day with our receptionist.

Yes, you will need to be available for your scheduled delivery appointment. Your signature is required upon receipt of goods. You will receive a call the day before delivery to schedule a 2-4-hour delivery window.

If you have interest in evenings or weekends, please ask if there is availability when you are contacted to schedule a delivery appointment.

Contact us ASAP at 816-456-2124. Our staff will re-schedule for a better time. Please make sure you call 1-2 hour notice before your delivery appointment.

It is your responsibility to inspect packages at the time of delivery.

If the package and product is clearly damaged, refuse the full or partial shipment and let us know right away with photos. We will work with you to get replacement items.

If the package is slightly damaged, take photos and note “Received as Damaged” when you sign for it. If upon opening the items are damaged, send us photos and we will work with you to resolve.

If there are any issues, reach out to SOSS directly at We will work with you to resolve the situation. Photo evidence is extremely helpful in expediting the resolution process and in most cases is required by our team to initiate a replacement.